Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I will watch Ryan Seacrest over Maria Bartiromo, anyday!

It is so discrediting to see how financial news organizations (aka CNBC, Fox News, Bloomberg) color their daily "news stories and analysis" based on how the market closes (up or down) that day - especially when it pretty obvious to any half-literate person that daily market moments are more noise than signal. Do CNBC, Fox Business have any more credibility left to lose!

I am more than happy to switch to E! news and watch some trashy story about a celebrity that I don't care about. At least they don't pretend to be something else. All these years - I used to wonder why would CNBC run "informercials" during off-peal/non-prime business hours; something that have no connection with their branding as a "financial news" channel. Now it all makes sense - both are "high on glitz, low on substance" - one is selling things you don't need, other is selling financial advice that you don't need (and shouldn't use). Watch at your own risk!

If I have to watch somebody yap then I prefer Ryan Seacrest over Maria Bartiromo!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Goodbye Michael Jackson!

Untimely death absolves one of bad publicity, poor judgement, and financial mismanagement!

People didn't care about MJ when he was alive, but they definitely did when he was dead! Life as a celebrity is tough!

Disclaimer: I am/was neither a fan of MJ nor a believer that he was child molester, I am just confused observer!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Crowdsourcing the new way to spur innovation?

Netflix paid a $1 million prize to a group of people (mostly researchers from other companies/Univ) for coming up with a new algorithm to improve its movie recommendation feature. Here is the link.

Some companies are already making money form this model. Check the following companies out...
InnoCentive, TopCoder, uTest, and CrowdSpring (Source: Businessweek)