Monday, August 04, 2008

Fooled by Randomness - a must read!

For the last two days I am devouring Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb (link here). It was a recommended book for one of my course work at Wharton. But I never read it during my coursework and only started reading it yesterday. This is a must read for everybody period. It's a shame that I did not read this book eight years back when I started investing - probably would have saved me from losing money in the stock market. Though this book deals with issues and impact of randomness in the stock market, like other great books the lessons can be extended to broader spectrum... More later once I finish reading it.

This book is surely going to be on my all time favorite books list - Below is the complete list. Each of these books have critically shaped my thinking to date. I would definitely recommend these books to everybody but with the following caveat - I cannot guarantee that you will find the following books as impressive as I found them - because as you would notice from the comments below that the impact of a book depends so much on your own personal biases and experiences to that point in your life. Here is the list (in no particular order):

Marriage and Morals - B. Russell - Helped solidify my own rational reasoning on morals and values.

India Unbound - Gurcharan Das - This book is about the struggles of Indian business during the Licence Raj. It opened my eyes to the ingenuity and potential of Indian business and sparked my love affair with it five years back.

The New New Thing - Michael Lewis - Amazing behind the scene look at the hype and company building in Silicon Valley's last boom. Helped put in perspective what I had experienced during the boom/bust cycle in Technology.

Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond - History as I was taught and read has been focused so much on the "hows" rather than the "Whys" - this books focuses on why human societies evolved the way they did over time.

The Animal Farm - George Orwell - Altered my views on socialism and communism.


Zaphod Beeblebrox said...

I recognize several of these of course! :-) Would like to recommend 'The Moral Animal' by Robert Wright. I think you'll really enjoy it!

Raj said...

Animal Farm is one good read!! Changed my perspective on Socialism and Communalism too!